INTO - Interrupt on Overflow

	Usage:	INTO
	Modifies flags: IF TF

	If the Overflow Flag is set this instruction generates an INT 4
	which causes the code addressed by 0000:0010 to be executed.

					  Clocks	   Size
	Operands		808x	286   386   486	   Bytes

	none: jump	       53/73   24+m    35    28	     1
	      no jump		 4	 3     3     3
	(prot. mode, same priv.) -	 -     59    46	     1
	(prot. mode, more priv.) -	 -     99    73	     1
	(from VM86 to PL 0)	 -	 -    119    84	     1
	(prot. mode, via task gate)	 -     TS  39+TS     1

	- see Instruction Timing