8042 - Keyboard Controller (AT,PS/2)

	8042 Status Register (port 64h read)

	│7│6│5│4│3│2│1│0│  8042 Status Register
	 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──── output register (60h) has data for system
	 │ │ │ │ │ │ └───── input register (60h/64h) has data for 8042
	 │ │ │ │ │ └────── system flag (set to 0 after power on reset)
	 │ │ │ │ └─────── data in input register is command (1) or data (0)
	 │ │ │ └──────── 1=keyboard enabled, 0=keyboard disabled (via switch)
	 │ │ └───────── 1=transmit timeout (data transmit not complete)
	 │ └────────── 1=receive timeout (data transmit not complete)
	 └─────────── 1=even parity rec'd, 0=odd parity rec'd (should be odd)

	Port Mode		  Description

	64h  read   8042 status register. Can be read at any time.  See
		    table above for more information.
	64h  write  8042 command register.  Writing this port sets Bit 3
		    of the status register to 1 and the byte is treated
		    as a controller command.  Devices attached to the
		    8042 should be disabled before issuing commands that
		    return data since data in the output register will
		    be overwritten.
	60h  read   8042 output register (should only be read if Bit 0 of
		    status port is set to 1)
	60h  write  8042 data register.  Data should only be written if
		    Bit 1 of the status register is zero (register is empty).
		    When this port is written Bit 3 of the status register
		    is set to zero and the byte is treated as a data.  The
		    8042 uses this byte if it's expecting data for a previous
		    command, otherwise the data is written directly to the
		    keyboard.	See KEYBOARD COMMANDS for information on
		    programming the actual keyboard hardware.

8042 Commands Related to PC Systems  (Port 64h)

	Command 		   Description

	 20   Read 8042 Command Byte: current 8042 command byte is placed
	      in port 60h.  
	 60   Write 8042 Command Byte: next data byte written to port 60h is
	      placed in 8042 command register.	Format:

	     │7│6│5│4│3│2│1│0│	8042 Command Byte
	      │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──── 1=enable output register full interrupt
	      │ │ │ │ │ │ └───── should be 0
	      │ │ │ │ │ └────── 1=set status register system, 0=clear
	      │ │ │ │ └─────── 1=override keyboard inhibit, 0=allow inhibit
	      │ │ │ └──────── disable keyboard I/O by driving clock line low
	      │ │ └───────── disable auxiliary device, drives clock line low
	      │ └────────── IBM scancode translation 0=AT, 1=PC/XT
	      └─────────── reserved, should be 0

	 A4   Password Installed Test: returned data can be read
	      from port 60h;  FA=password installed, F1=no password
	 A5   Load Security: bytes written to port 60h will be read
	      until a null (0) is found.
	 A6   Enable Security: works only if a password is already loaded
	 A7   Disable Auxiliary Interface: sets Bit 5 of command register
	      stopping auxiliary I/O by driving the clock line low
	 A8   Enable Auxiliary Interface: clears Bit 5 of command register
	 A9   Auxiliary Interface Test: clock and data lines are tested;
	      results placed at port 60h are listed below:

		00  no error
		01  keyboard clock line is stuck low
		02  keyboard clock line is stuck high
		03  keyboard data line is stuck low
		04  keyboard data line is stuck high

	 AA   Self Test: diagnostic result placed at port 60h, 55h=OK
	 AB   Keyboard Interface Test:	clock and data lines are tested;
	      results placed at port 60h are listed above with command A9
	 AC   Diagnostic Dump: sends 16 bytes of 8042's RAM, current input
	      port state, current output port state and 8042 program status
	      word to port 60h in scan-code format.
	 AD   Disable Keyboard Interface: sets Bit 4 of command register
	      stopping keyboard I/O by driving the clock line low
	 AE   Enable Keyboard Interface: clears Bit 4 of command register
	      enabling keyboard interface.
	 C0   Read Input Port: data is read from its input port (which is
	      inaccessible to the data bus) and written to output register
	      at port 60h;  output register should be empty before call.

	       │7│6│5│4│3-0│  8042 Input Port
		│ │ │ │ └──── undefined
		│ │ │ └───── 1=enable 2nd 256K of motherboard RAM, 0=disable
		│ │ └────── 1=manufacturing jumper not installed, 0=installed
		│ └─────── 1=primary display is MDA, 0=primary display is CGA
		└──────── 1=keyboard not inhibited, 0=keyboard inhibited

	 C1   Poll Input Port Low Bits: Bits 0-3 of port 1 placed in
	      status Bits 4-7
	 C2   Poll Input Port High Bits: Bits 4-7 of port 1 placed in
	      status Bits 4-7
	 D0   Read Output Port: data is read from 8042 output port (which is
	      inaccessible to the data bus) and placed in output register;
	      the output register should be empty.  (see command D1 below)
	 D1   Write Output Port: next byte written to port 60h is placed in
	      the 8042 output port (which is inaccessible to the data bus)

		│7│6│5│4│3│2│1│0│  8042 Output Port
		 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──── system reset line
		 │ │ │ │ │ │ └───── gate A20
		 │ │ │ │ └─┴────── undefined
		 │ │ │ └───────── output buffer full
		 │ │ └────────── input buffer empty
		 │ └─────────── keyboard clock (output)
		 └──────────── keyboard data (output)

	 D2   Write Keyboard Output Register: on PS/2 systems the next data
	      byte written to port 60h input register is written to port 60h
	      output register as if initiated by a device; invokes interrupt
	      if enabled
	 D3   Write Auxiliary Output Register: on PS/2 systems the next data
	      byte written to port 60h input register is written to port 60h
	      output register as if initiated by a device; invokes interrupt
	      if enabled
	 D4   Write Auxiliary Device: on PS/2 systems the next data byte
	      written to input register a port at 60h is sent to the
	      auxiliary device
	 E0   Read Test Inputs: 8042 reads its T0 and T1 inputs; data is
	      placed in output register;  Bit 0 is T0, Bit 1 is T1:

		│1│0│  Test Input Port Bits
		 │ └──── keyboard clock
		 └───── keyboard data

	 Fx   Pulse Output Port: Bits 0-3 of the 8042 output port can be
	      pulsed low for 6 µs;  Bits 0-3 of command indicate which
	      Bits should be pulsed; 0=pulse, 1=don't pulse; pulsing
	      Bit 0 results in CPU reset since it is connected to system
	      reset line.

	- PC systems previous to the AT use the 8255 PPI as a keyboard
	  controller and use the keyboard's internal 8048.
	- the keyboard's internal controller buffers up to 16 bytes of
	  make/break code information.	This is common among all PC systems
	  and shouldn't be confused with the (32 byte) keyboard buffer
	  maintained by the BIOS.
	- see  KEYBOARD COMMANDS for information on programming the
	  keyboards internal microprocessor