Specifications for printf()


	Field			Description

	-	left justify
	+	prefix positive numbers with '+', overrides blank
	space   prefix positive numbers with space
	#	prefix octal or hex with 0, (see manual for Turbo C)
	width	width of output string in total characters, a 0 before
		width causes padding with zeros on left.
	.prec   decimal precision in characters
	size	F	far pointer
		N	near pointer
		h	specifies short
		l	specifies long
		L	long double
	type	c	single character
		d	signed decimal integer
		e	signed exponential, 'e' is output in string
		E	signed exponential, 'E' is output in string
		f	signed floating point in form of sddd.ddd
		g	formats e or f (depends on size), e is output
		G	formats e or f (depends on size), E is output
		i	signed decimal integer
		n	integer pointer
		o	unsigned octal integer
		p	void pointer;  MS C always uses far pointers, in
			Turbo C, size is dependent on memory model
		s	string pointer
		u	unsigned decimal integer
		x	unsigned integer in lower case hex format
		X	unsigned integer in upper case hex format

	- if width or precision are specified as an asterisk '*', an int
	  from the argument list is used as the width or precision. If the
	  width is too small the field is expanded.  Example:

		int len = 5;
		char *string = "This is a string"

		printf("%*.*s", len, len, "string");

	  is functionally similar to a specification string of "%5.5s"
	  which prints a max of 5 characters of the string.