Microsoft C Options (v6.0)
CL [options] [filenames] [libraries link-options]
/AT Tiny Memory Model; combined code and data limited to 64K
/AS Small Memory Model; code and data limited to 64K each
/AM Medium Memory Model; data is limited to 64K
/AC Compact Memory Model; code is limited to 64K
/AL Large Memory Model; unlimited code and data but arrays
are limited to 64K
/AH Huge Memory Model; unlimited code, data and array size
/Astring where string is compose of the following:
Code Pointer Control
s all code pointers are near
l all code pointers are far
Data Pointer Control
n all data pointers are near
f all data pointer are far
h all data pointers are huge
Segment Setup Control
d stack segment (SS) defaults to data segment (DS)
u stack segment (SS) is not equal to data segment (DS);
DS is loaded on function entry
w stack segment (SS) is not equal to data segment (DS);
DS is NOT loaded on function entry
/B1[path] used to invoke the large version of the compiler C1L.EXE;
normally used when the compiler runs out of heap space
/B2 invokes large compiler version pass 2
/B3 invokes large compiler version pass 3
/C preserves file comments when preprocessing a file
/c do not link, create .OBJ file only
/D defines string as a preprocessor constant. If string is
of the form "ID=xxx" then "ID" represents the value "xxx"
If no equals sign is present, "ID" has the value 0. If
an equals sign is present without a value, ID has the
value 1.
/E output from preprocessor is written to stdout with
interspersed #line directives.
/EP output from preprocessor is written to stdout without,
adding #line directives.
/F sets stack to bytes. Size must be hexadecimal.
/Fa[file] generate assembly listing. Filename defaults to source
file with .ASM extension.
/Fb creates bound executable. Should be used only with /Lp.
/Fc[file] generates combined assembly/source listing. The filename
defaults to the source file name with the .COD extension.
/Fe creates the executable with specified name
/Fl[file] generates object code listing. Default file name is the
source file name with a .COD extension.
/Fm[file] generate a link MAP file. Default file name is the source
file name with the extension .MAP.
/Fo generate and object file using the name .
/FPa generates floating point calls and selects the alternate
math library.
/FPc generates floating point calls and selects the emulation
/FPc87 generates floating point calls and selects the 80x87
/FPi generates inline 80x87 instructions and selects the 80x87
library. Default floating point option.
/FPi87 generates floating point calls and selects the 80x87
/Fr[file] generates a standard PWB Source Browser Database. The
default name is the source file with the .SBR extension.
/FR[file] generates a standard PWB Source Browser Database. The
default name is the source file with the .SBR extension.
/Fs generate a source file listing with .LST extension.
/Fx generate a cross reference listing with .CRF extension.
/G0 generate code using 8088/8086 instruction set
/G1 generate code using 80188/80186 instruction set
/G2 generate code using 80286 instruction set
/Gc generate code using FORTRAN/PASCAL calling and naming
/Gd generate code using standard C calling and naming
conventions (default)
/Ge generate code using stack checking routines (default)
/Gi incremental compile if used with /qc; only functions that
have changed are compiled; implies /Li option
/Gm strings are generated in the CONST segment
/Gr _fastcall functions are enabled. Parameters can be
passed via registers instead of on the stack
/Gs suppress generation of stack checking code
/Gt[num] places data items larger than "num" bytes into different
segments. The default value for "num is 256 bytes.
/Gw generate Windows functions entry/exit code
/GW generates more efficient Windows functions entry/exit
code. Use /Gw for callback routines.
/H external name length restriction (default 31)
/HELP calls QuickHelp utility. /help is also valid.
/I inserts in front of current include search path
/J all chars should be unsigned (default is signed)
/Lc linker is to generate compatibility mode programs.
/Li[num] incremental link using ILINK instead of LINK. Results
in larger EXE size.
/Lp linker is to generate protected mode executable.
/Lr linker is to create real mode executable.
/link passes library names in to LINK
/MA passes to MASM if .ASM files found on command line
/MD creates Dynamic Link Library for OS/2; The same as:
/ALw /FPi /G2 /DDLL /DMT. No library search record is defined
/ML links the C run-time library as part of the Dynamic Link
Library. The library search record is set to LLIBCDLL.LIB.
/MT enable multithread program support in OS/2
/ND set data segment name to
/NM set module name to
/nologo suppress sign-on banner display
/NT set code segment name to
/O[opts] where "opts" is a string containing the following:
a relax alias checking
c enable block level local common expressions
d disable all optimizations
e enable global register optimization
g enable global optimizations and global common
i enable generation of intrinsic functions
l enable loop optimization
n disable unsafe loop optimization (default)
p improve consistency in floating-point calculations
r disable inline returns from functions
s optimize for size
t optimize for speed (default)
w assume no aliasing except across function calls
x maximize optimization (/Ocegilt/Gs)
z enable maximum loop and global-register allocation
/P preprocess source generating .I intermediate file
/qc quick compile option. Incompatible with the following
options: /Fa /Fc /Fl /FPa /FPc /FPc87 /Fs /Gm /H /Ow /Zc
/Sl set listing file line width to (79-132, default 79)
/Sp set page length (15-255, default 63)
/Ss set source listing subtitle
/St set source listing title
/Ta is to be treated as an assembler source file
regardless of the file extension
/Tc is to be treated as an C source file regardless
of the file extension
/u undefines all predefined indentifiers
/U undefines predefined indentifier
/V version string is copied to the .OBJ file
/w suppress compiler warnings (same as /W0)
/W0 suppress compiler warnings
/W warning level (1..4) 1=fewer, 4=more warnings (default 1)
/WX all warnings should be treated as fatal
/X ignore standard places in include path search
/Za disables Microsoft language extensions insuring ANSI
code compatibility
/Zc pascal functions are to be case insensitive
/Zd generate line number information for debuggers
/Ze enable Microsoft C language extensions
/Zg generate function prototypes and display via stdout
without compiling.
/Zi generate symbolic debugging information
/Zl suppress library search record generation
/Zp1 structures are not to be packed (Turbo C default)
/Zp2 pack structure on word boundaries
/Zp4 pack structure on dword boundary
/Zr generate code to check null pointers and out of range
far pointers
/Zs perform syntax check only
Environment Variables
CL default input files and command line options
INCLUDE paths to search for include files (separated by ";")
LIB paths to search for library files (separated by ";")
LINK command line options for link
TMP path where temporary files are created