MUL - Unsigned Multiply

	Usage:	MUL	src
	Modifies flags: CF OF (AF,PF,SF,ZF undefined)

	Unsigned multiply of the accumulator by the source.  If "src" is
	a byte value, then AL is used as the other multiplicand and the
	result is placed in AX.  If "src" is a word value, then AX is
	multiplied by "src" and DX:AX receives the result.  If "src" is
	a double word value, then EAX is multiplied by "src" and EDX:EAX
	receives the result.  The 386+ uses an early out algorithm which
	makes multiplying any size value in EAX as fast as in the 8 or 16
	bit registers.

				 Clocks			Size
	Operands	 808x  286   386   486		Bytes

	reg8		70-77	13   9-14  13-18	  2
	reg16	       118-113	21   9-22  13-26	  2
	reg32		  -	-    9-38  13-42	 2-4
	mem8	    (76-83)+EA	16  12-17  13-18	 2-4
	mem16	  (124-139)+EA	24  12-25  13-26	 2-4
	mem32		  -	-   12-21  13-42	 2-4

	- see Instruction Timing   IMUL