MSW - Machine Status Word (286+ only)

     │31│30-5│4│3│2│1│0│  Machine Status Word
	│   │  │ │ │ │ └──── Protection Enable (PE)
	│   │  │ │ │ └───── Math Present (MP)
	│   │  │ │ └────── Emulation (EM)
	│   │  │ └─────── Task Switched (TS)
	│   │  └──────── Extension Type (ET)
	│   └────────── Reserved
	└───────────── Paging (PG)

	Bit 0	PE	Protection Enable, switches processor between
			protected and real mode
	Bit 1	MP	Math Present, controls function of the WAIT
	Bit 2	EM	Emulation, indicates whether coprocessor functions
			are to be emulated
	Bit 3	TS	Task Switched, set and interrogated by coprocessor
			on task switches and when interpretting coprocessor
	Bit 4	ET	Extension Type, indicates type of coprocessor in
	Bits 5-30	Reserved
	bit 31	PG	Paging, indicates whether the processor uses page
			tables to translate linear addresses to physical

	- see	SMSW  LMSW